Last semester, I began my first year as a Mason Ambassador after being a seasonal tour guide over the summer. When I first made the decision to continue being an ambassador in the fall, I was nervous about finding my place amongst the rest of the group. This was until the opportunity to receive a mentor within Mason Ambassadors changed my experience. I was hesitant at first, because I was a sophomore at Mason, so I didn’t feel it was necessary. However, it wasn’t until one of my close friends within ambassadors encouraged me to do so. (Who’s now my cousin through the Mentor Family Tree.
The process was rather simple, all I had to do was make a PowerPoint slide introducing myself to the mentors and the other mentees. Then, once I selected my top five choices, the quest began. Throughout the week, there were clues like crosswords, hints, and other activities placed at the MTVC everyday at 12:00pm to help me figure out who my mentor was. Due to similarities the mentors shared; it was hard identifying exactly who my mentor was. Finally on day four, I had narrowed it down to three different choices.
Just before the official ambassador mentor reveal, I received a message from our Legacy Chair writing that my mentor wouldn’t be available on the official reveal day. So, as a result we were going to do a private reveal the day before. Not only was this exciting, but during a general body meeting. Someone who was on my potential mentor list also mentioned that they were not going to be available for the reveal.
Once it was my reveal day, I received a lot of candies and goodies, while I waited for the search to begin. I also met my two other siblings who were other mentees who shared my same mentor. Soon, we were given directions that all the letters scattered around the MTVC would spell out our mentor who was hiding in one of the offices. That search ended quickly because the letters were easy to find and once, we aligned the letters to spell our mentor’s name. She came out of the office revealing herself, and she has been the same mentor I’ve had over the past semester and a half.
What I’ve really enjoyed the most about having a mentor within Mason Ambassadors is that I gained someone who not only makes me feel seen but is someone who I can relate to and have fun with. Overall, it has been a great experience, and I can’t wait to carry the tradition with my own mentee someday.