Our mission is to provide clarity and reality and minimize the stress so you can actually enjoy your students last few years of high school. We help you make the informed decisions you need to save you and your student from a lifetime burden of debt without having to sacrifice or put off your own retirement goals in the process. We are here to make college affordable, one family at a time.
% enrolled undergraduates that are minority students
% enrolled undergraduates that are Latinx students
Scholarship opportunities for Latinx, first generation, or other underrepresented populations.
We offer the International Leadership Award, a merit scholarship that can award between $1,000 and $5,000 toward a Verto semester. We also allow use of FAFSA, 529 savings plans, and student loans. And for the Costa Rica and Hawaii semester we offer an Opportunity Grant based on household income.
Support services for Latinx, first generation, or other underrepresented populations.